UMEC Technologies
  1. The UMEC token (issue account in the Stellar blockchain: GD2PG3RR6VVZDX26UDSC7U4WRKF5K6W2YGJRD4HM76O6DNE3JF7X6ZWX) reflects and records the right and ownership structure of the entire set of assets of the crypto corporation of the same name, including the issue account of the token itself, all dependent accounts and assets consolidated on them, and associated assets, including physical and rights to proprietary software code and all derivative components created and created in the development of this software and hardware product, excluding code and components developed by third parties and integrated into the corporation's products. The text of this offer is also the main constituent document of the UMEC Corporation. Legal entities arising in local country jurisdictions in the interests of a given enterprise and its products remain its nominal representatives performing auxiliary functions.
  2. The mission of UMEC Corporation is to provide a range of widely available competitive services in the field of integration of blockchain technologies and physical diagnostics of smart home assets and other consumer solutions. Funds raised through the sale of UMEC tokens are prioritized for the improvement of existing and development of new products, their promotion, scaling, growth of market share and solving other market problems using the methods of fair competition and voluntary rational cooperation.
  3. All owners of the UMEC token are shareholders of the corporation of the same name and have the right to an advisory vote when discussing and making management decisions, the right to delegate their votes to other shareholders, as well as access to all significant information about the state of affairs in the company and to communications in closed chats to exercise this right.
  4. The highest governing body of the UMEC corporation is the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the UMEC Board of Directors or the Board of Directors) consisting of the first twenty holders of UMEC tokens from the list, ordered in descending order of their number, taking into account delegation. All decisions of the Board of Directors are made by a simple majority of the total number of votes of its members, equal to or directly proportional to the number of UMEC tokens they own, taking into account delegation.
  5. UMEC Board of Directors:
  • approves the strategy, programs and development plans of the corporation, key parameters for issuing the UMEC token and the conditions for its buyback;
  • determines the composition of target and control indicators, the procedure for financial accounting and reporting;
  • makes decisions on the use of profits (including its use for payment of dividends or recapitalization) and covering losses;
  • appoints executive and control bodies and determines their powers;
  • makes changes to this offer;
  • resolves other issues of management and development of the corporation
  1. Accounting for the issue and book value is available here:
  3. Project tokenomics:
  4. In total, 200,000 tokens were issued, which correspond to 200,000 euros at the time of issue.
  5. Of these, 60,000 tokens are the Founders' Fund, which will be distributed among project participants or sold at the market price.
  6. 135,000 tokens distributed among the founders
  7. 5000 tokens are reserved for early investors.
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